The act of creation

Have you ever watched a soccer game live on television? The impact you get when you watch the soccer game live, and you see the dramatic development of its end has a much stronger effect than reading the final results in the newspaper.

There is an erroneous thought regarding the projectors and PowerPoint* which is difficult to overcome. People believe, that it is the result that creates the effect. The latest turn-over figures, the listed elements of strategy, or the function chart on the ready slides. But it is not the result that creates the effect but the act of creation.  The act of creation by a human being. Only very few people have understood this. When you create something on the flip chart, the information itself is not ready before the audience sees it. It is not the completed result that is touching their hearts; it is the creation that can be experienced, and it is the creation that renders the message from the intellect to the gut. With PowerPoint* that is not possible. There is not anything created by a human being here.  Here only the ready-made will be retrieved.

In my book ”The PowerPoint Fallacy" I am telling the story where I coached an advertising agency in Berlin for a pitch-presentation and I succeeded in getting them two orders worth millions. My advantage: The competing agencies where all coming up with PowerPoint* and my client came up with flip-chart.

One of the two orders my client got from the Mazda car manufacturer. At the end of his presentaion, my client drew the flight movements of a bird on the flipchart with two V-shaped lines without speaking.
Then he turned to the members of the management: "We want to fly to new horizons with you". 

Then he turned back and completed the bird with a rectangle, rounded on the edges,which resulted in showing the logo of the car-manufacturer. "Thank you!”

Now please imagine that he would have implemented this presentation "perfectly" with PowerPoint*. You feel it. He would have only achieved a fraction of the impact,
which he really had achieved. I repeat it again: PowerPoint impedes effect!

In the book "The PowerPoint Fallacy" i will show you how you can trigger fascination in the audience WITHOUT PowerPoint*. Order the book cheaper


* PowerPoint as representative of all presentation software

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