The PowerPoint* horror-slides

For a while we have been giving an award for the “horror slides of the month". Due to the suffocating amount of mail received we cancelled this competition. The slides were more or less the same. One can practically put 90 percent of the billions of slides shown throughout the world every month in that collection. Below you find a few specimens from that horror cabinet.


The fact, that you laugh about these horror slides, should not lead to the conclusion that it would be enough to fight the excesses and that THEN PowerPoint* would be OK … . No, far from it,  It can be proven that EACH slide containing text, a diagram or a schematic illustration has a drastically reduced effect compared to a real human creating something on a flip-chart. This is due to the fact that the effect of an illustration is not generated by the result but by THE ACT OF CREATING the result. It is the latter that provides the effect and not the result itself. That is the reason why PowerPoint* can not work.

While smiling do not forget that we take our cause seriously!


Corporate management

It's no wonder that more and more farmers are giving up their farms. The attached presentation was verifiably used to increase the farmers’ motivation and convince them to “set goals for themselves”. 42 bravely reeled off slides stating everything that a farmer must know.

Corporate management
Cash collateral

The attached slide has been used at our bank to explain the newest forms of investment to the investment counselors. No comment necessary.

Cash collateral

My company is in the food industry. The attached PowerPoint slide is a typical slide of a 52 slide presentation with which a high-ranking marketing manager (with a PhD) suggested ideas for growth impulses. You probably will not understand more than two third of the words on the slides. However, that is the standard situation at our company.


The slide presentation is particularly exciting with regard to the creative use of colors. There are not two slides with the same color design. It is not possible to be more creative. A pleasure!

