Volunteering for events

The Anti-PowerPoint Party is different. We are unconventional, young, and way-out. The Party's president Matthias Poehm and the Vice President Claudia Huber will vouch for that.

Repeatedly we organize impudent actions, guerilla marketing...  the unusual, things that others don't dare to do. If you want to participate in such actions as a volunteer, register with the form below. You are then member of a movement, which is truly different, and which the world is talking about. There is no commitment: We will always ask our volunteers beforehand,  if they have time to volunteer on the given dates. If they cannot do it, there is no problem.

Furthermore, we are also looking for Internet volunteers. That involves writing blogs, doing research, watching the press, updating this site...

HALL OF FAME (volunteer translators)


Last name:*
First name:*
Street, Number :*
Zip / Postcode:*
Phone number:


I would love to help. Please contact me when you plan the actions (preferably Swiss residents)
I would love to help as an Internet volunteer: writing blogs, doing research, press follow-up, keeping the APPP website up-to-date
I would love to help as a translator: help to translate the APPP website into my mother tongue
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