Press releases

______Press release 16. August 2015 ________________________________________________

Anti-PowerPoint-Party admitted to the national election

Zurich, Switzerland - The international Anti-PowerPoint-movement is admitted to the Swiss national election in October

The APPP sees itself as the advocate of approximately 250 million citizens worldwide, who, every month, are obliged to be present during boring presentations.

Instead of the 400 necessary signatures, the APPP over-fulfilled the conditions for admission to the election with 805 signatures and thus will officially participate in the Swiss elections on October 23. 

If 3% of the electorate will vote for the party, for the first time in history a deputy of the Anti-PowerPoint-Party will be sitting in a European national parliament. The frontrunner Matthias Poehm has been a public speaking trainer for 14 years and is a successful author.

APPP’s goal is to create better presentations on a large scale. Detailed techniques as to how to get there are penned in the book “The PowerPoint Fallacy”. It’s available in bookstores and is simultaneously the Party-Program. (ISBN 978-3-9523680-5-3)

Poehm says: “We do not only know what does not work, but we also know what does work. Actually one can convey even the driest topics in a way that people hang on to your every word. That’s why this book is our Party-Program.”

The website of the party already exists in 12 languages. Every citizen of the world, not only a Swiss, can become a proponent.

President Poehm says: “Almost everyone thinks it is about the speaker, not the tool. What we clearly ascertained is: It is the tool! If you compare Flip-Chart to PowerPoint you get in 95% a drastically better lecture. With our participation in the election we want to direct attention to the topic. As there is a remedy, but nobody knows about it, and everybody continues suffering in ignorance.”


Antonet Rrasi
poehm (at)
Photos for print see here.
M. Poehm Rhetorik Website


______Press release 26. July 2015 ________________________________________________

Anti-PowerPoint-Party shortly before its election admittance

In stead of 400 necessary signatures the APPP has collected 805 signatures

400 Signatures are necessary for a Swiss party to get the admittance to participate on the national elections. Meantime the APPP has already 805 signatures. The signatures still have to be approved by the respective commune and then the door is open to the participation to the national elections on October 23. The last date to send the approved signature to the electioral-office is August 11.


poehm (at)
Photos for print see here.
M. Poehm Rhetorik-Seminare


Press release 1. July 2011 _________________________________________________ 

The first worldwide Anti-PowerPoint-Party founded (APPP)

The APPP sees itself as an international movement wanting to lift the PowerPoint issue to the awareness of the world-population.

The APPP sees itself as the advocate of approximately 250 million citizens worldwide, who, every month, are obliged to be present during boring presentations in companies, and who have not been represented in politics until now.

The movement regards the use of presentation-software, like PowerPoint, as the source of the problem. It is a grievance that superiors can dictate a PowerPoint use and that students are urged to use PowerPoint. The APPP says, that, in 95% of the cases, the flipchart would beat PowerPoint, based on the effect.

The goal of the movement is to decrease the number of boring presentations worldwide, and that those, who want to renounce PowerPoint, will not have to justify themselves in the future. It is not PowerPoint that should be abolished, but only the PowerPoint constraint.

To draw worldwide attention to their cause the movement chose the organizational form of an international party in Switzerland. Here every citizen of the world can become a member of a party. The APPP calls its members "proponents". It wants to become the fourth largest Swiss party with 33.000 members and thus make the PowerPoint issue a political issue that one talks widely and deeply worldwide. "The more people talk about it, the more change will take place", says APPP-founder Matthias Poehm.

The APPP wants to draw attention to presentations, at which the participants consider their presence afterwards as futile. The Party calculated that hourly wages of the attendants alone result in suffering an annual economic damage of 350 billion Euros worldwide.

Their website exists in 8 languages. Every citizen of the world can become a proponent online.


Further information

The APPP-founder is the Swiss public speaking trainer Matthias Poehm who says: "I have an operating principle that always helps me: I don't want to be right, I only want the best result. Over 14 years of public speaking training I have noticed that the use of Flip-chart beats PowerPoint in 95 of 100 cases. This is not wishful thinking on my part but proven experience."

The APPP wants to participate in the Swiss national elections in October and win at least one seat. Here again, the goal is to attract media attention to the topic.

Poehm says: "Becoming a member is the same as pressing the "like" button on Facebook. PowerPoint is like an ailment for which a remedy has been found long ago. The more members we have worldwide, the more people talk about it, and the more change will take place."

The vision of the Party is to help to promote the flip-chart, which, in their view, is by a multiple better than PowerPoint.

For the months January and February alone, when the usual anual report presentations were given and where a majority of the audience is just marking its attendance time, the Party has calculated a damage to the European Economy of 2.5 billion Euros.

The party program is the book "The PowerPoint fallacy" of the party founder Matthias Poehm that members can purchase at a 37% discount .

poehm (at)
Photos for print see here.
Poehm Rhetorik-Training


* PowerPoint is always mentioned as a representative of all presentations software.


Letztes Update: 24. Juni 2021